21 März 2022 | IT Вакансії

Співбесіда з iOS 250 запитань для Junior, Middle, Senior

Комерційний досвід enterprise додатків на Java – 9 років, в Globallogic, Eleks, Ciklum. Досвід управління невеликою командою розробників отримав в департаменті розробки внутрішніх продуктів банку. Працюю з Java 8-14+, TypeScript 3.x, Spring, JS, Angular 9 та іншими суміжними технологіями. Більше 5 років навчаю студентів паралельно з комерційною діяльністю. Вважаю, що професійну діяльність оптимально поєднувати з менторством.

А також, як каже Ярослав, замовник зі свого боку дуже часто хоче впровадити нові технології на кшталт доповненої реальності. Індустрія мобільних додатків росте і розвивається тому. Тому важливо розуміти, що на зарплату програміста впливає не тільки досвід роботи, як у більшості інших професій, але також мови (стек технологій) і спеціалізація. Такі фахівці створюють інтерфейси, ігри, софт для IPhone, iPad. Програмісти на iOS – одні з найбільш затребуваних співробітників в сфері IT, і попит на них зростає. Уже повинен могти спланувати повністю розробку додатку, включно CI/CD.

Книга читається легко, але дає усі необхідні знання для проходження співбесіди по Objective-C на Junior. Я б надовго завис з цим запитанням тільки щоб його розпарсити. Це мені нагадало як на руських сайтах типу хабра роблять недолугі спроби перекласти абсолютно все на вєлікій і пишуть не table view, а «таблічноє прєдставлєніє». Нема ніякого замикання — є слово «closure», яке є терміном з технічної документації і не має перекладатися. Ну ще можливо те, що можна положить в память файл розміром в гб одним махом, але таке може трапитись і із звичайним byte[].

Senior iOS Product Engineer – PDF Expert team

На початку 2022 у світі налічувалось 1,65 мільярдів гаджетів, які використовують iOs. Кожний четвертий мобільний гаджет у світі працює на iOs. Кожного дня в Apple Store додають більше 700 нових додатків. І зменшувати темп Apple не збирається.

ios developer співбесіда

72.Які UI-операції можна зробити не з головного потоку? 73.Перерахуйте найважчі операції для рендеру UI.74.На якому потоці відбувається анімація? Чому анімації не блокують UI, якщо всі оновлення UI відбуваються на головному потоці? 75.Як виявити причини UI-помилок (швидкість роботи, відповідність дизайну)? 76.Умовна компіляція у Swift.

Senior Android Developer [Freelance, Full-time, Remote GMT+0/GMT+4]

Революційний Apple-2 лише за три роки збільшив продажі компанії з 775 тисяч до 118 мільйонів доларів річних прибутків. Я згоден(-на) з умовами використання сайту і політикою конфіденційності. Що таке «послідовне» виконання?

ios developer співбесіда

Зараз працюю в продуктовій компанії над iOS додатками для музикантів та їх фанатів, а також над побічним додатком на Flutter. Розвиваю власні проекти, пов’язані з відео і аудіо. Стати ментором вирішив, щоб ділитися досвідом і допомогти освоїти головну в сучасному світі розробки парадигму – Googling-Oriented Programming. А також створити військо хiOSа (тут невдала спроба на гру слів хаос – айос ? ), завдяки якості додатків якого витіснимо Android з ринку. 150.Які та коли БД краще використовувати?

Співбесіда з iOS. 250 запитань для Junior, Middle, Senior

Тим, хто вже має певний набір знань та навичок і при цьому хоче їх систематизувати, а також поглибити. Тобто на вході усі функції мають однакові дані, на виході видають однаковий результат. Але через те, що всередині операції виконуються у різному порядку, час виконання буде відрізнятися. Тут потрібно орієнтуватися в алгоритмах і розуміти, що відбувається з твоїми даними у процесі. Цю задачу може розв’язати Junior, а може не розв’язати й Middle. Здавалося б, така дрібниця, але коли ми працюємо з великою кількістю даних, важливо, щоб код був оптимізованим і програма виконувалася максимально швидко.

ios developer співбесіда

На Ваш email було надіслано лист із кодом активації акаунту. На Ваш номер телефону було надіслано смс із кодом активації акаунта. Apple має певний набір пристроїв, на відміну від Android. У цьому плані розробляти та тестувати програми легше.

Співбесіда з менеджером з продажів. 101 запитання для Junior, Middle, Senior i Head of Sales

Якщо ви в захваті від iPhone і MacBook і хочете створювати програми для цих та інших пристроїв Apple, вам пряма дорога на курси програмування IOS в Києві. Однак приготуйтеся ios developer вакансии до того, що люди, які будуть вас співбесідувати, можуть скептично поставитися до того, що ви не знаєте Objective-C. Краще опрацюйте книгу Аарона Гіллеґаса «Objective-C.

  • Щодня ми можемо надсилати вам схожі вакансії на ел.
  • Я UI / UX дизайнер з більш ніж 8-річним досвідом в розробці продуктів, платформ, додатків і методології Дизайн мислення (Design Thinking).
  • 73.Перерахуйте найважчі операції для рендеру UI.74.На якому потоці відбувається анімація?
  • Займаюсь фронтендом більше 5 років.
  • Apple у документації використовує термін «Local and Remote Notifications».
  • 67.Які засоби профайлингу використовували?

Тоді він/вона із вами погодиться. Вибирай свій варіант підписки залежно від завдань, що стоять перед тобою. Але якщо потрібно пройти повне навчання з нуля до рівня фахівця, краще вибирати Базовий або Преміум. А для того, щоб вивчити 2-3 нові технології, або повторити знання, готуючись до співбесіди, підійде Пакет Стартовий.

Наш навчальний курс ми створювали, керуючись досвідом реальних проєктів. Завдання побудовані таким чином, щоб студенти рухалися від простого до більш складного поступово. Якщо студенту не дається якесь завдання, ментор допоможе впоратися з ним. Swift https://wizardsdev.com/ Нині це основна мова розробки на iOS. Нещодавно компанія Apple відмовилася використовувати мову Objective C, і вся технологія для «яблучних» пристроїв перейшла на Swift. Існують окремі курси Swift, але курс від FoxmindEd дасть вам набагато більше.

Тут вже грає роль «унікальність» ходу думки розробника. Треба усвідомлювати, що більшість українських компаній на вакансію Junior запитують, як для рівня Middle. А тестові завдання відрізняються кардинально від компанії до компанії. 9.Гра «у юзера щось не працює». На прикладі спроєктованої системи співбесідувач вигадує помилку з «дикими симптомами», яку дуже складно зрозуміти, відтворити. Але потрібно швидко розв’язати проблему.

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8 März 2022 | Software development

What is GitHub Actions? How automation & CI CD work on GitHub

In this article, I want to continue and present the best practices of working with the Git version for discussion. The samples are also structured based on the main product which the automation flow is targeted for, e.g. HANA Cloud, Cloud Foundry, BTP Provisioning, ect (see below a quick overview on some of the currently available examples and its structure). These examples can be used with little to no changes as the provided commands are explained in step-by-step guide and also can be imported directly into your SAP Automation Pilot instance.

Automation testware repository in GitHub

This option is good when we want to switch to another branch but the current changes are not ready to make a commit. Of course, we could make a commit, but it would contain unfinished work and would not carry much meaning, and in addition, it would pollute our repository. This command gets all of the branches from the repository.

Stories to Help You Grow as a Software Developer

Of course, as already noted, you can import and modify the provided commands in order to fit better into your specific needs / use cases. CodeceptJS is an up-to-date end-to-end testing framework that employs a unique BDD-style syntax. The tests are set up in a way that shows how a user might interact with a website.

Automation testware repository in GitHub

You may also want to use the actions/add-to-project workflow, which is maintained by GitHub and will add the current issue or pull request to the project specified. For more information, see the actions/add-to-project repository and README. A project can span multiple repositories, but a workflow is specific to a repository. Add the workflow to each repository that you want your project to track. For more information about creating workflow files, see “Quickstart for GitHub Actions.” Just in case the above workflows aren’t enough to keep you busy, I wanted to give you a few more.

Build flexible scripts with command line arguments

Some features of the Autoware Architecture Proposal (and thus TestWare) require CUDA; therefore, we are skeptical that it will be possible to use OSX or Windows machines, even with Docker. We do not provide any support for non-Ubuntu operating systems. With this action the maintenance decreases and the robustness increases. This solution comes from the need to standarize and reuse the common usage and extension of the different automation engines.

Automation testware repository in GitHub

Learn how to use the built-in workflows, GitHub Actions, and the API to automate your projects. At that time, I had just finished a stint at a startup where the release process was far more manual and far testware more anxiety-inducing. We were a small team and without the benefit of a CI/CD pipeline or blue-green deployments, we could only release updates when users were less likely to be on our app late at night.

Mastering Java for Automation Engineer: A Comprehensive Guide for Interview Success

The — force option for git push the commit history on the remote will be forcefully overwritten with your own local history. And now you can safely create our merge/pull request and not worry about conflicts. All automation engineers have to work with Git every day, but not everyone pays much attention to this tool. This article aims to introduce some useful Git functionality and show how it is used in practice.

  • Join me on this interactive platform as we embark on a journey of exploration, collaboration, and continuous learning.
  • But if your team uses a different platform, such as Java, Ruby, Python, PHP, .NET etc, you would just use a different framework (and development container).
  • The samples are also structured based on the main product which the automation flow is targeted for, e.g.
  • You can write test cases in Robot Framework in a tabular format.
  • This is true even if you don’t use JavaScript for your projects otherwise (Node.js is very easy to install or is already installed on most systems, making it a great option for deployment).
  • You might have noticed that we use a variable called TESTMO_URL as a placeholder for our Testmo web address here.

It was a tedious process where any degree of human error would stretch out how long it took to deploy a build. Writing HEAD~1 means that we want to go one commit back from the current HEAD position. The commit list will no longer contain the commit that we deleted, and the changes to this commit will remain in the working directory with the status of the stage. If we just want to delete a commit and its changes should be reset with the — hard parameter, it will delete the commit and their changes will not remain in our working directory. Also, to change the last commit in Git, there is a — amend parameter for the commit command, but I like to use reset more for some reason. Each commit to your repository’s main branch should be exactly the correct size, be it large or small, such that it introduces one atomic unit of change.


It has the functionality of dedicated tools such as Travis CI or Jenkins, with fewer interfaces to configure or account credentials to manage. The template Python application workflow is preconfigured to use the popular pytest package, although can be easily customised for other tools. Typically, the workflow is set up to run ‘on push’, so will be triggered each time a commit is pushed to the repository. See the documentation for more info on writing test cases with pytest.

Automation testware repository in GitHub

This also downloads all of the required commits and files from the other repository. A resiliency tool that automates Failure mode effect analysis tests, simplifying complex testing with a behavior-driven development and testing approach. Provides a programmatic way to execute controlled failures in AWS and a BDD way to write test cases, allowing test plans themselves to become test cases that can be executed as is. Why not just add the URL and API key directly to our workflow?

A deep dive on the internals to acknowledge and master Git

The main difference between such a repository is a clean commit history. Each of these commits should be a meaningful atomic unit of changes in the project. This means that our history should not contain commits with messages like “feature in progress”. Your task is to learn how to divide all the changes you make into such atomic units. Your exact configuration is going to very wildly depending on what language, framework, and build system you’re using for your application.

For our example project here we want to use something simple that is easy to set up. We will use a simple JavaScript (Node.js) based framework, in our case Mocha/Chai. But if your team uses a different platform, such as Java, Ruby, Python, PHP, .NET etc, you would just use a different framework (and development container).

Example workflow authenticating with a GitHub App

Cucumber is a popular test automation tool for behavior-driven development (BDD). The latest version of the tool and several plugins and extensions can be found in the Cucumber repository. Cucumber allows you to write automated tests in plain language, making it easy for developers and testers to collaborate on test automation. Version control (sometimes called source control) plays an important role in any development project, including test automation. This is the practice of tracking and providing control over changes made to the source code. And since one of the most common tools used in version control is Git, let’s take a look at some of the most common Git commands.

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10 Februar 2022 | FinTech

Trezor launches two new devices to help onboard crypto newbies

Note that cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum have both – public and private keys. However, as long as you follow the best practices outlined in this article, then you’ll be able to enjoy the benefits of paper wallets while minimizing their risks. Paper wallets have their advantages- but they also have their drawbacks. They’re a popular choice for storing what is paper wallets crypto cryptocurrencies because of how safe and accessible they are, but there’s no denying that the risks involved with them are high as well. When it comes to cryptocurrency, one of the most popular and talked about topics is paper wallets. The second step in how to make a paper wallet securely would involve testing your printer in an offline environment.

Now, how does a multi-signature wallet create a more democratic environment? Imagine that you are working in a company with 10 people and you need 8 approvals in order to make a transaction. Using a software like Electrum you can simply create a custom multi-sig wallet with 10 keys. This way you can make seamless democratic transactions in your company.

The only person who can take out the money is the owner of the machine who has the key. However, just like computers, mobile devices are vulnerable to malicious applications and malware infections. So it’s a good idea to encrypt a mobile wallet with a password and back up private keys (or seed phrase) in case you lose your phone or it stops working.

what is paper wallets crypto

Certain types of printer ink can bleed over time, and different kinds of paper accept and hold ink differently. If you’re going to print out your wallet, ensure you use a printer that you know works well, paper that will last a long time, and ink that will not fade or bleed. After writing down the seed phrase, creating an (optional) pin, the Suite allows you to select a handful of coins to show https://www.xcritical.in/ on its platform, I picked Bitcoin and Ethereum. Trezor Safe 3, a hardware crypto wallet, and Trezor Keep Metal, a “mistake-proof” backup solution for wallet passwords, launched in celebration of the company’s 10-year anniversary. “All you need to do is enter the recipient’s public address and the amount of cryptocurrency you want to transfer and confirm the transaction,” Leinweber says.

The next step in creating a paper wallet for blockchain assets involves setting up the printer on Ubuntu operating system. You can start by clicking “System Settings” followed by “Printers” and then “Add.” Subsequently, you could add your printer and then print a test page. On the flip side, this means that users must be in charge of their own security with regard to the storage of passwords and seed phrases. If any of these are lost, recovery can be difficult or impossible because they are typically not stored on any third-party server. There are different reasons why a market participant might want their cryptocurrency holdings to be either connected to or disconnected from the Internet. Because of this, it’s not uncommon for cryptocurrency holders to have multiple cryptocurrency wallets, including both hot and cold ones.

As with any type of currency, cryptocurrency can be accumulated and used for any number of different purposes and transactions. A paper wallet is a printed paper containing private and public keys. Because wallets are interfaces allowing for the smooth interaction between the coin owners and the network, the bearer of the keys can readily confirm transactions. If you choose this type of wallet, you’re essentially outsourcing your private keys to them.

Any of the wallet types described above have multisig versions — multisig hot wallets, cold wallets, hardware wallets, etc. When starting a non-custodial wallet, the user is asked to write down and safely store a list of 12 randomly generated words, known as a ‘recovery’, ‘seed’, or ‘mnemonic’ phrase. From this phrase, the user’s public and private keys can be generated. This acts as a backup or recovery mechanism in case the user loses access to their device. However, it’s important to ensure that the paper wallet is generated correctly and stored securely and educate the recipient about the potential risks and proper usage of paper wallets.

However, if you’re HODLing a large amount of crypto that you don’t plan to sell for a long time. In this case, cold wallets are a better alternative, as they aren’t connected to the Internet and are therefore more secure and resistant to online phishing attacks or scams. There is no definitive answer as to which crypto wallet you should use. If you‘re a frequent trader, using a web wallet will allow you to access your funds quickly and trade conveniently.

what is paper wallets crypto

They can still be useful if printed out clearly, stored securely, and kept safe from damage. However, you should consider several factors before deciding to use a paper wallet. You can use your paper wallet with a wallet app that scans the barcode generated when you create it. You may also enter the keys to transfer your crypto into the app so you can start making purchases or transfers.

  • The answer to this question will largely depend on your circumstances.
  • Take some time to play around and explore the wallet interface and its features.
  • They are generally created by generator apps for paper wallets, which may also create a barcode.
  • As of the date this article was written, the author does not own cryptocurrency.
  • Simply having a bank account number or a public key isn’t enough to conduct a full set of transactions with an account.
  • It is still a valid way to store your tokens if you have no other storage method.

Deciding what kind of crypto wallet works for you can be confusing, especially if you’re new to the world of crypto. The purpose of this website is solely to display information regarding the products and services available on the Crypto.com App. It is not intended to offer access to any of such products and services. You may obtain access to such products and services on the Crypto.com App.

A crypto wallet keeps your digital coins safe and allows you to send and receive funds easily. Just as you have a wallet for your physical money, a crypto wallet is your virtual wallet for digital money. Choosing a wallet that meets your needs and has robust security features is important. Crypto wallets allow you to access your funds anytime, anywhere, as long as you have an Internet connection. You can send and receive cryptocurrency, check your balance, and interact with decentralized applications at all times.

Uploading an encrypted version of a private key to the web is a suitable option for some. They aren’t without their own set of risks but if you follow the instructions correctly, and take every precaution possible, these are greatly minimized. Given the amount of attention that cryptocurrency has been receiving over the last few years, it has unfortunately piqued the interest of attackers. In the light of that, it’s a far more secure option to use cold storage as means of storing your money. With your private key, and seed phrase intact, you should be able to restore any wallet painlessly enough.

Since each individual’s situation is unique, a qualified professional should always be consulted before making any financial decisions. Investopedia makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or timeliness of the information contained herein. As of the date this article was written, the author does not own cryptocurrency.

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